R&D Spending

R&D can be measured by the expenditure on R&D performed by an organisation, or the funding received by an organisation for R&D work. These are often, but not always, the same.

About this data

You can read more on the Gross domestic expenditure on research and development, UK: 2022. This data provides an overview at regional level of where R&D is taking place.

Total spending by region, current prices (£ millions)

Key findings

Overall, Business Enterprise dominates R&D spending, with the East of England top of this category. London, the East of England and the South East come top of R&D spending, with almost double the total spend of any other region. The North East spends around 9 times less on R&D than London, whilst Yorkshire and The Humber and the East Midlands spend around a quarter of London's total.

London and the South East have the highest share of businesses in the UK at 19.5% and 14.8%, respectively. For this reason we expect their total business spend on R&D to be consistently larger than other regions. However, the roughly £1.5 billion higher spend in the East of England shows there is particularly intense investment in the region, since a comparatively smaller 9.9% of UK businesses are located there.

Note: Business count figures come from Table 4 of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) UK business; activity, size and location: 2024 statistical bulletin.

Country or regionTotalGovernment & UKRIHigher EducationBusiness EnterprisePrivate Non Profit
North East14445959473259
North West65012111439483120
Yorkshire and the Humber3351169121719641
East Midlands319510073623572
West Midlands490483972383316
East of England12746385144710690224
South East12400117123958705129
South West4772515977327010

Total spending by nation, current prices (£ millions)

Key findings

England makes up 89% of the UK's total R&D spend, which is similar to its 87% share of UK businesses. Unsurprisingly, it leads on R&D spending in each sub-category, with Scotland in second for each category.

Country or regionTotalGovernment & UKRIHigher EducationBusiness EnterprisePrivate Non Profit
United Kingdom7069836181627749942860
Northern Ireland122031277912null